Quilter’s Plaid Background Tile

This is what we will be making. It’s super easy and gives a great effect!
This tutorial was written on July 27, 2008.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
Please do not claim this tutorial as your own or change a few things
and then put your name on it.
You may print my tutorials for your personal use.
Do not post my tutorial on any web site, group or forum without my permission.
Please share the link where my tutorial can be found only.
What you make with this tutorial is yours.
If you have any problems please let me know.
You may contact me “here”.
Paint Shop Pro (here)
I am using version 9 but should work with any version.
Simple & Toadies Filters (here)
Let’s get started!
1. Open a new 200x200 transparent image
Resolution 300 pixels per inch
Please do not claim this tutorial as your own or change a few things
and then put your name on it.
You may print my tutorials for your personal use.
Do not post my tutorial on any web site, group or forum without my permission.
Please share the link where my tutorial can be found only.
What you make with this tutorial is yours.
If you have any problems please let me know.
You may contact me “here”.
Paint Shop Pro (here)
I am using version 9 but should work with any version.
Simple & Toadies Filters (here)
Let’s get started!
1. Open a new 200x200 transparent image
Resolution 300 pixels per inch
2. Set your Foreground Color to White and your
Background to AE3348 and click on your texture box and choose Square
Background to AE3348 and click on your texture box and choose Square
3. Flood Fill your image with White and without adding a new layer;
4. Flood Fill your image with your background texture. It will look like this
4. Flood Fill your image with your background texture. It will look like this

5. Effects- Toadies- Weaver (default settings) 59-48-222
6. Effects- Simple Filters- Quick Tile

7. Merge all flatten and you can save your tile as a jpeg. Wasn’t that easy!!!
You can leave it as it but I added a couple of more steps.
8. Duplicate your layer – Layer- Duplicate
9. Image- Rotate- Free Rotate (single layer checked) 90 degrees
10. Adjust the layer opacity of the top layer to 52.

Now you’re done!!! Adding the 2nd layer gives it a more squared looking outline.
Here are a couple of examples of the tile used to make a quilt.
I added texture and borders on this one.

Example 2
On this one I added texture and then added some white layers and stitching along with borders. I also used the mesh warp, lighten/darken and highlighting to give it the movement.